Technical Overview

How it works

Needle Engine roughly consists of three parts:

  • a number of components and tools that allow you to set up scenes for Needle Engine from e.g. the Unity Editor.
  • an exporter that turns scene and component data into glTF.
  • a web runtime that loads and runs the produced glTF files and their extensions.

The editor extensions currently support the Unity Editor, with some promising experiments for Blender on the horizon (but no ETA).
The web runtime uses three.js for rendering, adds a component system on top of the three scene graph and hooks up extension loaders for our custom glTF extensions.

Effectively, this turns the Unity Editor into a full member of a regular web development toolchain – "just" one more piece that gets added to the regular HTML, JavaScript, CSS and bundling workflow.

glTF Assets

Models, textures, animations, lights, cameras and more are stored as glTF 2.0 filesopen in new window in Needle Engine.
Custom data is stored in vendor extensions. These cover everything from interactive components to physics, sequencing and lightmaps.

Supported glTF extensions

A typical production glTF created by Needle Engine uses the following extensions:


Other supported extensions:

EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing (import and export)

Supported material extensions:


More extensions and custom extensions can be added using the export callbacks of UnityGLTF (not documented yet) and the glTF import extensionsopen in new window of three.js.

Note: Materials using these extensions can be exported from Unity via UnityGLTF's PBRGraph material.

Note: Audio and variants are already supported in Needle Engine through NEEDLE_components and NEEDLE_persistent_assets, but there are some options for more alignment to existing proposals such as KHR_audio and KHR_materials_variants.

Learn more about GLTF loading in three.jsopen in new window


For production, we compress glTF assets with glTF-transformopen in new window. Textures use either etc1s, uastc, webp or no compression, depending on texture type. Meshes use draco by default but can be configured to use meshtopt (per glTF file). Custom extensions are passed through in an opaque way.

See the deployment & compression page for more information

Vendor-specific glTF Extensions (NEEDLE_*)

Needle Engine stores custom data in glTF files through our vendor extensions. These extensions are designed to be flexible and allow relatively arbitrary data to put into them. Notably, no code is stored in these files. Interactive components is restored from the data at runtime. This has some similarities to how AssetBundles function in Unity – the receiving side of an asset needs to have matching code for components stored in the file.

We're currently not prodiving schemas for these extensions as they are still in development. The JSON snippets below demonstrates extension usage by example and includes notes on architectural choices and what we may change in future releases.

References between pieces of data are currently constructed through a mix of indices into other parts of the glTF file and JSON pointers. We may consolidate these approaches in a future release. We're also storing string-based GUIDs for cases where ordering is otherwise hard to resolve (e.g. two components referencing each other) that we may remove in the future.


This extension contains per-node component data. The component names map to type names on both the JavaScript and C# side.
Multiple components with the same name can be added to the same node.

Data in NEEDLE_components can be animated via the currently not ratified KHR_animation_pointeropen in new window extension.

"NEEDLE_components": {
  "builtin_components": [
      "name": "WebARSessionRoot",
      "guid": "1516450550",
      "arScale": 50,
      "invertForward": true,
      "enabled": true,
      "gameObject": {
        "node": 0
      "name": "SyncedRoom",
      "guid": "1516450552",
      "roomName": "network-room",
      "urlParameterName": "room",
      "joinRandomRoom": true,
      "requireRoomParameter": false,
      "autoRejoin": true,
      "enabled": true,
      "gameObject": {
        "node": 0
      "name": "PlayableDirector",
      "guid": "2243275882009986562_1668529989451832962",
      "state": 0,
      "extrapolationMode": 1,
      "playableAsset": "extensions/NEEDLE_persistent_assets/4",
      "playableGraph": {},
      "playOnAwake": true,
      "timeUpdateMode": 0,
      "time": 0,
      "initialTime": 0,
      "duration": 135.383333333332,
      "enabled": true,
      "gameObject": {
        "node": 0

Note: Storing only the component type name means that type names currently need to be unique per project. We're planning to include package names in a future release to loosen this constraint to unique component type names per package instead of globally.

Note: Currently there's no versioning information in the extension (which npm packaage does a component belong to, which version of that package was it exported against). We're planning to include versioning information in a future release.

Note: Currently all components are in the builtin_components array. We might rename this to just components in a future release.


This extension contains additional per-node data related to state, layers, and tags. Layers are used for both rendering and physics, similar to how three.jsopen in new window and Unityopen in new window treat them.

"NEEDLE_gameobject_data": {
  "layers": 0,
  "tag": "Untagged",
  "hideFlags": 0,
  "static": false,
  "activeSelf": true,
  "guid": "1516450549"

Note: We may need to better explain why this is not another entry in NEEDLE_components.


This is a root extension defining ambient lighting properties per glTF file.

"NEEDLE_lighting_settings": {
  "ambientMode": 0,
  "ambientLight": [
  "ambientIntensity": 1,
  "defaultReflectionMode": 0

Note: This extension might have to be defined per-scene instead of per-file.


This is a root extension defining a set of lightmaps for the glTF file.

"NEEDLE_lightmaps": {
  "textures": [
      "pointer": "textures/20",
      "type": 1,
      "index": 0

Note: At the moment this extension also contains environment texture references. We're planning to change that in a future release.

Texture TypeValue
Environment Map1
Reflection Map2

How lightmaps are applied is defined in the MeshRenderer component inside the NEEDLE_components extension per node:

"NEEDLE_components": {
  "builtin_components": [
      "name": "MeshRenderer",
      "lightmapIndex": 0,
      "lightmapScaleOffset": {
        "x": 1.00579774,
        "y": 1.00579774,
        "z": -0.00392889744,
        "w": -0.00392889744

Note: We may change that in a future release and move lightmap-related data to a NEEDLE_lightmap extension entry per node.


Components in NEEDLE_components can reference data via JSON Pointers. The data in NEEDLE_persistent_assets is often referenced multiple times by different components and is thus stored separately in a root extension. By design, they are always referenced by something else (or have references within each other), and thus do not store type information at all: they're simply pieces of JSON data and components referencing them currently need to know what they expect.

Examples for assets/data stored in here are:

  • AnimatorControllers, their layers and states
  • PlayableAssets (timelines), their tracks and embedded clips
  • SignalAssets
  • ...

Data in persistent_assets can reference other persistent_assets via JSON Pointer, but by design can't reference NEEDLE_components. This is similar to the separation beween "Scene data" and "AssetDatabase content" in Unity.

  "name": "LampionController",
  "guid": "9100000_ecab75bc7ab51a747a4c5c14236a43cd",
  "parameters": [],
  "layers": [
      "name": "Base Layer",
      "stateMachine": {
        "name": "Base Layer",
        "defaultState": 0,
        "states": [
            "name": "LampionFlying",
            "hash": 677739540,
            "motion": {
              "name": "LampionFlying",
              "isLooping": false,
              "guid": "7400000_c296c4d76e956b34f8b5833ba90653c1",
              "clips": [
                  "node": "nodes/4",
                  "clip": "animations/0"
                  "node": "nodes/9",
                  "clip": "animations/6"
                  "node": "nodes/14",
                  "clip": "animations/12"
            "transitions": [
                "isExit": false,
                "exitTime": 1,
                "hasFixedDuration": true,
                "offset": 0,
                "duration": 0,
                "hasExitTime": true,
                "destinationState": 0,
                "conditions": []
        "entryTransitions": []
  "name": "TrongCom Website",
  "guid": "11400000_93a8f856fe26af8498d94efe4835af36",
  "tracks": [
      "name": "Markers",
      "type": "MarkerTrack",
      "muted": false,
      "outputs": [
      "clips": [],
      "markers": [],
      "trackOffset": null
      "name": "Animation Track",
      "type": "AnimationTrack",
      "muted": false,
      "outputs": [
      "clips": [
          "start": 0,
          "end": 0.9833333333333333,
          "duration": 0.9833333333333333,
          "timeScale": 1,
          "asset": {
            "clip": "animations/78",
            "loop": false,
            "duration": 8,
            "position": {
              "x": 0,
              "y": 0,
              "z": 0
            "rotation": {
              "x": 0,
              "y": 0,
              "z": 0,
              "w": 1
            "removeStartOffset": true
          "clipIn": 0,
          "easeInDuration": 0,
          "easeOutDuration": 0.41666666666666663,
          "preExtrapolationMode": 1,
          "postExtrapolationMode": 1

Note: We might include more type and versioning information in the future.


This extension builds upon the archived KHR_techniques_webglopen in new window extension and extends it in a few crucial places. While the original extension was specified against WebGL 1.0, we're using it with WebGL 2.0 here and have added a number of uniform types.

"KHR_techniques_webgl": {
  "programs": [
      "vertexShader": 1,
      "fragmentShader": 0,
      "id": 0
  "shaders": [
      "name": "Pass-FRAGMENT",
      "type": 35632,
      "uri": "<embedded WebGL fragment shader code ...>",
      "id": 1
      "name": "Pass-VERTEX",
      "type": 35633,
      "uri": "<embedded WebGL vertex shader code ...>",
      "id": 0
  "techniques": [
      "program": 0,
      "attributes": {},
      "uniforms": {
        "_TimeParameters": {
          "name": "_TimeParameters",
          "type": 35666,
          "semantic": null,
          "count": 1,
          "node": 0
        "hlslcc_mtx4x4unity_MatrixVP": {
          "name": "hlslcc_mtx4x4unity_MatrixVP",
          "type": 35666,
          "semantic": "_VIEWPROJECTION",
          "count": 4,
          "node": 0
      "defines": []

Note: Currently, vertex and fragment shaders are always embedded as URI; we plan on moving that data into more reasonable bufferViews in the future.

Note: There's some redundant properties in here that we plan on cleaning up.

TypeScript and Data Mapping

🏗️ Under Construction

Rendering with three.js

🏗️ Under Construction

Why aren't you compiling to WebAssembly?

While Unity's compilation process from C# to IL to C++ (via IL2CPP) to WASM (via emscripten) is ingenious, it's also relatively slow. Building even a simple project to WASM takes many minutes, and that process is pretty much repeated on every code change. Some of it can be avoided through clever caching and ensuring that dev builds don't try to strip as much code, but it still stays slow.

We do have a prototype for some WASM translation, but it's far from complete and the iteration speed stays slow, so we are not actively investigating this path right now.

When looking into modern web workflows, we found that code reload times during development are neglectible, usually in sub-second ranges. This of course trades some performance (interpretation of JavaScript on the fly instead of compiler optimization at build time) for flexibility, but browsers got really good at getting the most out of JavaScript.

We believe that for iteration and tight testing workflows, it's beneficial to be able to test on device and on the target platform (the browser, in this case) as quickly and as often as possible - which is why we're skipping Unity's entire play mode, effectively always running in the browser.

Note: A really nice side effect is avoiding the entire slow "domain reload" step that usually costs 15-60 seconds each time you enter Play Mode. You're just "live" in the browser the moment you press Play.