Automatically generating Editor components

When working in Unity or Blender then you will notice that when you create a new Needle Engine component in Typescript or Javascript it will automatically generate a Unity C# stub component OR a Blender panel for you.

This is thanks to the magic of the Needle component compileropen in new window that runs behind the scenes in an editor environment and watches changes to your script files. When it notices that you created a new Needle Engine component it will then generate the correct Unity component or Blender panel including public variables or properties that you can then set or link from within the Editor.

Controlling component generation

You can use the following comments in your typescript code to control C# code generation behavior:

// @generate-componentForce generation of next class
// @dont-generate-componentDisable generation of next class, this is useful in cases where you already have an existing C# script in your project
// @serializeFieldDecorate generated field with [SerializeField]
// @type UnityEngine.CameraSpecify generated C# field type
// @nonSerializedSkip generating the next field or method


Force the component compiler to generate a C# AudioClip field named myAudioClip

export class MyComponent extends Behaviour {
	//@type UnityEngine.AudioClip

Force the component compiler to derive from a specific subclass

//@type MyNamespace.MyCustomBaseClass
export class MyComponent extends MyCustomBaseClass {

Component Compiler in Unity

If you want to add scripts inside the src/scripts folder in your project then you need to have a Component Generator on the GameObject with your ExportInfo component.
Now when adding new components in your/threejs/project/src/scriptsit will automatically generate Unity scripts in Assets/Needle/Components.codegen.
If you want to add scripts to any NpmDef file you can just create them - each NpmDef automatically watches script changes and handles component generation, so you don't need any additional component in your scene.

For C# fields to be correctly generated it is currently important that you explictly declare a Typescript type. For example myField : number = 5

You can switch between Typescript input and generated C# stub components using the tabs below

import { AssetReference, Behaviour, serializable } from "@needle-tools/engine";
import { Object3D } from "three";

export class MyCustomComponent extends Behaviour {
    myFloatValue: number = 42;

    myOtherObject?: Object3D;

    prefabs: AssetReference[] = [];

    start() {

    private sayHello() {
        console.log("Hello World", this);
// auto generated code - do not edit directly

#pragma warning disable

namespace Needle.Typescript.GeneratedComponents
	public partial class MyCustomComponent : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
		public float @myFloatValue = 42f;
		public UnityEngine.Transform @myOtherObject;
		public UnityEngine.Transform[] @prefabs = new UnityEngine.Transform[]{ };
		public void start(){}
		public void update(){}

using UnityEditor;

// you can add code above or below the NEEDLE_CODEGEN_ blocks

// auto generated code - do not edit directly

#pragma warning disable

namespace Needle.Typescript.GeneratedComponents
	public partial class MyCustomComponent : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
		public float @myFloatValue = 42f;
		public UnityEngine.Transform @myOtherObject;
		public UnityEngine.Transform[] @prefabs = new UnityEngine.Transform[]{ };
		public void start(){}
		public void update(){}


namespace Needle.Typescript.GeneratedComponents
    // This is how you extend the generated component (namespace and class name must match!)
	public partial class MyCustomComponent : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
		public void MyAdditionalMethod()

		private void OnValidate()
			myFloatValue = 42;

    // of course you can also add custom editors
	public class MyCustomComponentEditor : Editor
		public override void OnInspectorGUI()
			EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This is my sample component", MessageType.None);

Extending generated components

Component C# classes are generated with the partialopen in new window flag so that it is easy to extend them with functionality. This is helpful to draw gizmos, add context menus or add additional fields or methods that are not part of a built-in component.

Member Casing

Exported members will start with a lowercase letter. For example if your C# member is named MyString it will be assigned to myString.