Control a Timeline by scroll
Use the mouse wheel or touch delta to update a timeline's time.
import { Behaviour, PlayableDirector, serializeable } from "@needle-tools/engine";
import { Mathf } from "@needle-tools/engine";
// Example of setting a timeline's time
// without relying on any HTML elements.
// Here we directly use the mousewheel scroll and the touch delta
export class ScrollTimeline_2 extends Behaviour {
timeline?: PlayableDirector;
scrollSpeed: number = 0.5;
lerpSpeed: number = 2.5;
private targetTime: number = 0;
start() {
// Grab the mousewheel event
window.addEventListener("wheel", (evt: WheelEvent) => this.updateTime(evt.deltaY));
// Touch events are a bit more complicated
// We need to keep track of the last touch position
// and calculate the delta between the current and the last position
let lastTouchPosition = -1;
window.addEventListener("touchmove", (evt: TouchEvent) => {
const delta = evt.touches[0].clientY - lastTouchPosition;
// We only want to apply the delta if it's not TOO big
// e.g. when the user is scrolling the page
if (delta < 10) this.updateTime(-delta);
// Update the last touch position
lastTouchPosition = evt.touches[0].clientY;
private updateTime(delta) {
if (!this.timeline) return;
this.targetTime += delta * 0.01 * this.scrollSpeed;
this.targetTime = Mathf.clamp(this.targetTime, 0, this.timeline.duration);
onBeforeRender(): void {
if (!this.timeline) return;
this.timeline.time = Mathf.lerp(this.timeline.time, this.targetTime, this.lerpSpeed * this.context.time.deltaTime);