raycast against rendered three objects. This might be very slow depending on your scene complexity. We recommend setting objects to IgnoreRaycast layer (2) when you don't need them to be raycasted. Raycasting SkinnedMeshes is specially expensive. Use raycastPhysics for raycasting against physic colliders only. Depending on your scenario this might be faster.
raycast options. If null, default options will be used.
use this.context.physics.engine.raycast
use this.context.physics.engine.raycastAndGetNormal
Test overlapping of a sphere with the threejs geometry. This does not use colliders. This does not return an exact intersection point (intersections returned contain the object and the world position of the object that is being hit) For a more accurate test use the physics engine's collider overlap test (see sphereOverlapPhysics)
the center of the sphere in world space
the radius of the sphere
if false it will stop after the first hit. If true it will continue to traverse and add all hits to the result array
use MeshBVH for raycasting. This is faster than the default threejs raycaster but uses more memory.
optional callback to filter objects. Return false
to ignore the object completely or "continue in children"
to skip the object but continue to traverse its children (if you do raycast with recursive
Returns true if raycasting is currently happening