You can use AssetReference.getOrCreate to get an AssetReference for a URL to be easily loaded.
When using the same URL multiple times the same AssetReference will be returned, this avoids loading or creating the same asset multiple times.

  • myAssetReference.preload() to load the asset binary without creating an instance yet.
  • myAssetReference.loadAssetAsync() to load the asset and create an instance.
  • myAssetReference.instantiate() to load the asset and create a new instance.
  • myAssetReference.unload() to dispose allocated memory and destroy the asset instance.


  • get asset(): any
  • The loaded asset

    Returns any

  • set asset(val): void
  • Parameters

    • val: any

    Returns void

  • get hasUrl(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    true if the uri is a valid URL (http, https, blob)

  • get rawAsset(): any
  • This is the loaded asset root object. If the asset is a glb/gltf file this will be the three#Scene object.

    Returns any

  • get uri(): string
  • The url of the loaded asset (or the asset to be loaded)

    Returns string

    use url

  • get url(): string
  • The url of the loaded asset (or the asset to be loaded)

    Returns string


  • Parameters

    • evt: ProgressCallback

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • evt: ProgressCallback

    Returns void

  • loads and returns a new instance of asset


    • Optionalparent: Object3D<Object3DEventMap> | IInstantiateOptions

    Returns Promise<null | Object3D<Object3DEventMap>>

  • loads and returns a new instance of asset - this call is networked so an instance will be created on all connected users


    • Optionalparent: Object3D<Object3DEventMap> | SyncInstantiateOptions
    • saveOnServer: boolean = true

    Returns Promise<null | Object3D<Object3DEventMap>>

  • Returns boolean | ArrayBuffer

    true if the asset has been loaded (via preload) or if it exists already (assigned to asset)

  • Loads the asset and creates one instance (assigned to asset)


    • Optionalprog: null | ProgressCallback

    Returns Promise<any>

    the loaded asset

  • frees previously allocated memory and destroys the current asset instance (if any)

    Returns void

  • Get an AssetReference for a URL to be easily loaded.
    AssetReferences are cached so calling this method multiple times with the same arguments will always return the same AssetReference.


    Returns AssetReference

  • Get an AssetReference for a URL to be easily loaded.
    AssetReferences are cached so calling this method multiple times with the same arguments will always return the same AssetReference.


    • url: string

      The URL of the asset to load. The url can be relative or absolute.

    • Optionalcontext: Context

      The context to use for loading the asset

    Returns AssetReference

    the AssetReference for the URL