Enable touch transform to translate, rotate and scale the scene in AR with multitouch
When enabled the scene center will be automatically calculated from the content in the scene
When enabled the scene will be placed automatically when a point in the real world is found
customWhen assigned this asset will be loaded and visualize the placement while in AR
the object this component is attached to. Note that this is a threejs Object3D with some additional features
the unique identifier for this component
When enabled the placed scene forward direction will towards the XRRig
sourceholds the source identifier this object was created with/from (e.g. if it was part of a glTF file the sourceId holds the url to the glTF)
Experimental: When enabled we will create a XR anchor for the scene placement
and make sure the scene is at that anchored point during a XR session
true if the object is enabled and active in the hierarchy
The scale of a user in AR:
Note: a large value makes the scene appear smaller
true if this component was destroyed (this.destroy()
) or the whole object this component was part of
the layer of the gameObject this component is attached to
the name of the gameObject this component is attached to
shorthand for this.context.scene
the scene of the context
Is the gameObject marked as static
the tag of the gameObject this component is attached to
Appends an event listener for events whose type attribute value is type. The callback argument sets the callback that will be invoked when the event is dispatched.
The options argument sets listener-specific options. For compatibility this can be a boolean, in which case the method behaves exactly as if the value was specified as options's capture.
When set to true, options's capture prevents callback from being invoked when the event's eventPhase attribute value is BUBBLING_PHASE. When false (or not present), callback will not be invoked when event's eventPhase attribute value is CAPTURING_PHASE. Either way, callback will be invoked if event's eventPhase attribute value is AT_TARGET.
When set to true, options's passive indicates that the callback will not cancel the event by invoking preventDefault(). This is used to enable performance optimizations described in § 2.8 Observing event listeners.
When set to true, options's once indicates that the callback will only be invoked once after which the event listener will be removed.
If an AbortSignal is passed for options's signal, then the event listener will be removed when signal is aborted.
The event listener is appended to target's event listener list and is not appended if it has the same type, callback, and capture.
Dispatches a synthetic event event to target and returns true if either event's cancelable attribute value is false or its preventDefault() method was not invoked, and false otherwise.
onCallback when this component joins a xr session (or becomes active in a running XR session)
onCalled when an object (or any child object) is clicked (needs a EventSystem in the scene)
onCalled when a button is started to being pressed on an object (or a child object)
onCalled when a pointer (mouse, touch, xr controller) starts pointing on/hovering an object (or a child object)
onCalled when a pointer (mouse, touch, xr controller) exists an object (it was hovering the object before but now it's not anymore)
onCalled when a pointer (mouse, touch, xr controller) is moving over an object (or a child object)
onCalled when a button is released (which was previously pressed in onPointerDown
onCallback when a xr session updates (while it is still active in XR session)
onXRControllerCallback when a controller is connected/added while in a XR session
OR when the component joins a running XR session that has already connected controllers
OR when the component becomes active during a running XR session that has already connected controllers
startstarts a coroutine (javascript generator function)
will wait for the next frame:
yield WaitForSeconds(1)
to wait for 1 second.yield WaitForFrames(10)
to wait for 10 frames.yield new Promise(...)
to wait for a promise to resolve.generator function to start
event to register the coroutine for (default: FrameEvent.Update). Note that all coroutine FrameEvent callbacks are invoked after the matching regular component callbacks. For example FrameEvent.Update
will be called after regular component update()
the generator function (use it to stop the coroutine with stopCoroutine
Stop a coroutine that was previously started with startCoroutine
the routine to be stopped
the frame event to unregister the routine from (default: FrameEvent.Update)
Optional callback, you can implement this to only get callbacks for VR or AR sessions if necessary.
true if the mode is supported (if false the mode is not supported by this component and it will not receive XR callbacks for this mode)
onEvent that is called when the scene has been placed in AR.
the callback that is called when the scene has been placed
a function to remove the event listener
The WebARSessionRoot is the root object for a WebAR session and used to place the scene in AR.
It is also responsible for scaling the user in AR and optionally creating a XR anchor for the scene placement.