The RendererData class is used to manage the lighting settings of a scene.
It is created and used within the Needle Engine Context.



  • get environmentIntensity(): number
  • the current environment intensity

    Returns number

  • get sceneLightSettings(): undefined | IterableIterator<SceneLightSettings>
  • Get all currently registered scene light settings

    Returns undefined | IterableIterator<SceneLightSettings>

  • get timeVec4(): Vector4
  • Time data used for custom shaders x: time y: sin(time) z: cos(time) w: deltaTime

    Returns Vector4


  • disable the lighting of a specific scene, will only have any effect if it is currently active


    Returns boolean

  • Disables the currently active scene lighting (if any), returns the id of the previously active lighting

    Returns null | string

  • set the scene lighting from a specific scene. Will disable any previously enabled lighting settings


    Returns boolean