TextOptions: Omit<ObjectOptions, "texture"> & {
    bevel?: boolean;
    depth?: number;
    familyFamily?: "OpenSans" | "Helvetiker";
    font?: Font;
    onGeometry?: ((obj) => void);

Options to create a 3D text object. Used by ObjectUtils.createText

Type declaration

  • Optional bevel?: boolean

    Optional: If the text should have a bevel effect


  • Optional depth?: number

    Optional: The depth of the text.


  • Optional familyFamily?: "OpenSans" | "Helvetiker"

    If the font is not provided, the familyFamily can be used to load a font from the default list

  • Optional font?: Font

    Optional: The font to use for the text. If not provided, the default font will be used

  • Optional onGeometry?: ((obj) => void)

    Invoked when the font geometry is loaded

      • (obj): void
      • Parameters

        • obj: Mesh

        Returns void

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