Enumeration ContextEvent

The various events that can be dispatched by a Needle Engine IContext instance

Enumeration Members

ContextCleared: "ContextCleared"

Called after the context has been cleared (all objects in the scene have been destroyed and state has been reset)

ContextClearing: "ContextClearing"

Called before the context is being cleared (all objects in the scene are being destroyed and state is reset)

ContextCreated: "ContextCreated"

Called when the context has been created, before the first frame

ContextCreationStart: "ContextCreationStart"

called before the first glb is loaded, can be used to initialize physics engine, is awaited

ContextDestroyed: "ContextDestroyed"

Called when the context has been destroyed

ContextDestroying: "ContextDestroying"

Called before the context gets destroyed

ContextFirstFrameRendered: "ContextFirstFrameRendered"

Called after the first frame has been rendered after creation

ContextRegistered: "ContextRegistered"

called when the context is registered to the registry, the context is not fully initialized at this point

MissingCamera: "MissingCamera"

Called when the context could not find a camera during creation

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