• Generates a QR code HTML image using https://github.com/davidshimjs/qrcodejs


    • args: {
          colorDark?: string;
          colorLight?: string;
          correctLevel?: any;
          domElement?: HTMLElement;
          height?: number;
          text: string;
          width?: number;
      • Optional colorDark?: string

        The color of the dark squares

      • Optional colorLight?: string

        The color of the light squares

      • Optional correctLevel?: any

        The error correction level to use

      • Optional domElement?: HTMLElement

        The dom element to append the QR code to. If not provided a new div will be created and returned

      • Optional height?: number

        The height of the QR code

      • text: string

        The text to encode

      • Optional width?: number

        The width of the QR code

    Returns Promise<HTMLElement>

    The dom element containing the QR code

Generated using TypeDoc