Function fitObjectIntoVolume

  • Fits an object into a bounding volume. The volume is defined by a Box3 in world space.


    • obj: Object3D

      the object to fit

    • volume: Box3

      the volume to fit the object into

    • Optional opts: {
          ignore?: Object3D[];
          position?: boolean;
          scale?: boolean;

      options for fitting

      • Optional ignore?: Object3D[]

        Objects to ignore when calculating the obj's bounding box

      • Optional position?: boolean

        when true aligns the objects position to the volume ground


      • Optional scale?: boolean

        when true scales the object to fit the volume



    Returns {
        boundsBefore: Box3;
        scale: Vector3;

    • boundsBefore: Box3

      The object's bounding box before fitting

    • scale: Vector3

      The scale that was applied to the object

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