If set to false the camera controls are disabled. Default is true.
if the attribute is not set it returns null
<needle-engine camera-controls="false"></needle-engine>
<needle-engine camera-controls="true"></needle-engine>
<needle-engine camera-controls></needle-engine>
observedGet the current context for this web component instance. The context is created when the src attribute is set and the loading has finished.
The context is disposed when the needle engine is removed from the document (you can prevent this by setting the keep-alive attribute to true).
a promise that resolves to the context when the loading has finished
Generated using TypeDoc
Sep 10, 2024
The needle engine web component creates and manages a needle engine context which is responsible for rendering a 3D scene using threejs.
The needle engine context is created when the src attribute is set and disposed when the needle engine is removed from the document (you can prevent this by setting the keep-alive attribute to true).
The needle engine context is accessible via the context property on the needle engine element (e.g. document.querySelector("needle-engine").context).