Experimental interface for receiving timeline animation callbacks. Register at the PlayableDirector

interface ITimelineAnimationOverride {
    onTimelinePosition?(director, target, time, position): any;
    onTimelineRotation?(director, target, time, rotation): any;


  • Parameters

    • director: PlayableDirector

      The director that is playing the timeline

    • target: Object3D

      The target object that is being animated

    • time: number

      The current time of the timeline

    • position: Vector3

      The evaluated position of the target object at the current time

    Returns any

  • Parameters

    • director: PlayableDirector

      The director that is playing the timeline

    • target: Object3D

      The target object that is being animated

    • time: number

      The current time of the timeline

    • rotation: Quaternion

      The evaluated rotation of the target object at the current time

    Returns any

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Mar 30, 2024